Saturday, November 1, 2014

A week since move-in

It turns out moving into a new house can be a lot of work...

Wait, what?

I've gotten good at catching that look on her face.  She moves fast, though...

So, the move went very well - almost too smoothly for something that was planned down to the minute.

Tuesday night, we picked up the U-Haul truck after work.  We had stuff at both parents' houses - most of the stuff we felt should be "indoors" like blankets and stuffed animals were in my mother's basement.  We unloaded that first - about 30 minutes and off to Alicia's parents where we had 2 bays of the garage in use.

The only wrinkle of the whole process was that it was a little drizzly, so as it got progressively darker and we finally worked the truck light too hard and it had issues staying on (and we had so much stuff in the truck it was almost blocked anyway), we decided to call it a night.

Back to the apartment...  Life as normal.  We even had enough for one more day of coffee.  But Wednesday morning, after daycare and pre-K drop-off (one place), it was back to the garage to finish unloading.  We had parked the U-Haul there for the night so no waiting... we cleaned off the floor of the truck since we'd tracked it up pretty thoroughly from Tuesday night's drizzle, but by a little after 9, we were loaded, and ready to head to Liverpool to do a little cleaning at the apartment

But we were strategic - and there was no need for the U-Haul there; we had no "big" stuff, so we left it, and even had time to relax in front of the TV while we waited for closing, which went smoothly - except that we planned to eat at Quizno's before hand and they closed.  Fortunately, Empire Sub Shop in the village is very good.  I'll hit up Quizno's another time.

Planning to the minute?  Closing was at 1, Wally was coming to paint at 3, and there were deliveries scheduled for anytime after 3 (they actually called at 12 saying they were close, but umm, we weren't).  We walked around the house for a few minutes, checking things out, then went to get the truck, and were back at 3:01.  Close.

As for the painting, we decided we'd stick with Ryan-standard beige for most of the house, but I promised Marissa she'd have a pink bedroom, and by golly, she was going to have a pink bedroom on day one.  Keith hung the drapes while we were at dinner Thursday night and here's how it looked when she walked in.

We had a happy 4-year old.

But I've skipped ahead... Wednesday night was our last night in the apartment, and the movers brought the big stuff Thursday morning... also known as:

We're told we have some heavy furniture... but once it's set up, it looks pretty darn good.

Starting in the dining room, just because.

Then the morning room, to the right of the kitchen - still full of boxes, but a few less each day.  Note the piece in the far corner was added Sunday after the move - who can pass up a great-looking buffet for 85% off?  Note the ceiling fan was added as well.  These pictures were taken the night it was warm out.  

Family room/great room/den, or the room I usually end up just calling the living room.  Note the archway in the back - that was a surprise feature that was added from the model we saw to the current Verona.  Also note the 9' ceilings which we also didn't remember seeing in the model.  Anyway, the archway leads to the bathroom and my office.

Our main upstairs bathroom.  We were going to do a solid curtain, but Marissa really wanted the fish hooks from the Stonecrest bathroom, so we called an audible and brought back the fish theme.  Yes, we let her have a lot of input.  This is her bathroom after all.  It'll be Lucy's, too, but since she can't offer much of an opinion yet, she'll be stuck with Marissa's ideas...or we will spend a lot of money redoing it when she does have an opinion.

3-light fixture in the main bathroom.

Speaking of Lucy, here's her bedroom.  The color in it comes from the furniture.

...and the light switch

Oh, here's Marissa's light switch

Washer/dryer... arrived Friday morning along with the refrigerator.

And the master bedroom... spacious.

The upstairs play-room... spacious.

There is still a lot missing from the pictures, but we have to leave something for you to want to see at our Open House. Date still undecided. We would like to get a few more boxes unpacked first.