Friday, July 25, 2014

End of Day 4

This is what happens when they do construction while I'm at work.  I thought we had requested a darker finish, not this drab concrete-gray, but it's okay... it'll be underground anyway.  But holy cow, it's almost done!

To anyone who's wondering, don't worry; we own an actual camera with an actual zoom.  We're not walking all over a construction zone.

Though with a wet tarp, those dirt piles would be fun to slide down.

I'm also not afraid to stand on top of a car to take pictures.

Standing on top of a truck, however, is a little farther than I'm willing to go.

"Wow!" you must be thinking.  "This guy takes incredible pictures."  Well, no, not always.  Here's one that sucks.

Have a great weekend!

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