Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Get a band-aid, the ground is broken!

I expected to see a few hundred people with shovels.  It turns out they have machines that dig holes now.  Wow.  What will they think of next??

The basement is a fun place to hang out.

This really resembles our current driveway before we got it fixed up a few summers ago, only this one looks considerably smoother...

Marissa was obsessed with the pink ribbon flags before groundbreaking.  Being the mean parents we are, we wouldn't let her take one.  This is the best picture of the hole I could get without climbing to the roof of the car or renting a helicopter.

One more look at the lot at the end of day 1. We're going to work on getting pictures at the beginning of the day instead, because the sun angle in the evening is most unfortunate.  It'll make for great evening light in the morning room, though - which seems like a bit of a misnomer.

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