Friday, July 25, 2014

Quick drive-by of the site this morning to see trucks hard at work.  I'm not a builder, so I don't understand exactly what's going on, but it seems like they shouldn't be throwing all that stuff in the hole if they're going to be trying to put a house there.

It's official.  We have a sign.
The lots in Crown Point were being sold by Ryan Homes, but right after we bought, they left the development and took their signs with them.  Call it superstitious, but we didn't have our SOLD sign up, so our lot sign went into the trash with the rest.
Well, what's the point of spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on a house if you can't take a picture in front of the sold sign?!
So, we asked and there was not a sign to be found...
Someone heard our pleas and moved the lot 32 sign (which had a sold sign and remained) to our lot, covering the 3 and hand-writing a 5.  We don't know who did that, but THANK YOU! It gave us a chance to get some pre-groundbreaking pictures.
But the real sign has arrived!
There will be another family picture, just from about 20' in front of the sign instead of huddled around it.

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