Tuesday, September 30, 2014

28 - 1 = 23


The new close date is Wednesday 10/22.  How does moving the closing up 2 days bring us 4 days closer to moving?  Weekend surcharges on movers, that's how.  We can now move Thursday instead of waiting all the way to Monday.  Woot

And none to soon, since our water in the apartment has turned yellow.  Only a pale yellow, though, not like a bright Baylor Bears flourescent uniform, just enough for Marissa to notice "the water looks like pee"

NVR is a challenge.  Be careful; just for reading this blog, they may want to see your financials, too.

Alicia met with the driveway guys today, and we're going ahead with the 20' wide driveway, 2' wider than the standard no-added cost edition.  That'll take it from garage edge to garage edge, give or take a few rocks.  Come spring, I may also get my trash pad.

There are pictures of the driveway marked off.  They are very nice pictures, and you would have enjoyed seeing them.

Alicia also talked to the carpet guy.  Actually, both carpet guys.  One who introduced himself as "the carpet guy" at the house, and another, who is our personal carpet guy.  What, doesn't everybody have one?  He gave us some ideas for keeping the carpet stain-free.  Our carpet guy, not the carpet guy.  I'm told he was also friendly, but we forgot we had questions until we had left.

I say we, because even though I didn't quite make it to the house, I did meet up with Alicia about a block away, so that's sort of like being there.  I might've made it too, if it hadn't been for those meddling kids... getting onto their school buses.

The carpet guy did let us know that he starts on Monday with the install, though.  I wonder if he has a name.

So, what's left?  Carpet, granite, plumbing, appliances, a window, some doors, another coat of paint, $+|t tons of cleaning, ... so yeah, not much that a few weeks won't take care of.  Oh, some siding repair, a lawn,

23 days.  Not that we're counting the 544 hours to closing or anything.

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