Sunday, September 28, 2014

No pictures, just an update

It's been a busy few weeks for us and our project manager, so meeting up to check out our progress wasn't happening... so with nothing new, and no time to report it, we've gone silent... but no more!

Here's an update on everything as we know it:

Tomorrow (Monday), we will meet with Bryce, our project manager, to check on the house.  We'll get some pictures.  Make sure to check back.

We'll be discussing the final few weeks and dealing with the walk-in closet in the master bedroom, since we plan to install a custom system and the "standard" placement of wire racks would be in the way.

We also expect to get an update on our closing.  We were originally told we'd do a final walk-through on Wednesday 10/22 and close on Thursday 10/23.  Then, the closing came in at 10/24, and now we're told it might get pulled up a few days to 10/20 and 10/22.  Obviously closing on a day that isn't Friday gives us far more flexibility on settling in, so fingers crossed.

For now, we're holding on the original timeline, which would have us moving in on Monday 10/27.  We've started the countdown, and each day, Marissa gets to post the new number.

So, fine, there is a picture.

On the apartment-front, either timeline is safe, so we'll be submitting our intent to vacate at the end of October.  It's been working out fairly well.  Space is at a premium, especially in the bathrooms, where one person could fit comfortably, were it not for a large inflatable duck tub, bucket of toys, and lack of hooks... oh, and a baby who finds that to be the coolest place to hang out.  Let's hope she enjoys it as much when it's time to potty train.

It'll definitely be nice to expand back into a few thousand square feet.

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