Thursday, October 9, 2014

It's been a good week

We have new pictures - in fact, if a picture is worth 1,000 words, we've got over 50,000 words to share... but fortunately, we're selective.

Let's start with this one.  It's one of my favorites.

So, after weeks of stressing over a bunch of things, mostly involving math and how others interpret math, we're finally destressing a bit.  In fact, you could almost say 

Sorry, still on #Wednesday time.

On the NVR Mortgage front, in the past week or so:
  • We finalized our closing
  • We got confirmation of final mortgage approval
  • Our escrow waiver was approved

On the home front, well, two things greeted us when we walked into the garage.  First, the mailbox.  I'm not sure how the mailman is going to get over there to leave the mail, but maybe it's a new construction thing.  

Also, it's slightly out of frame, but there is a stack of three drawers in the garage.  The only way this cabinet would not be in the kitchen was if our custom order stack of four drawers was the exact same width.  


So, let's get a look at that kitchen, shall we?



View from the family room

Yes, with Ryan's a la carte pricing, each of those shoes cost us $60

We don't have a backsplash in the kitchen - we'll probably put in something nice down the road, but we didn't want to do one right away.  It's not a standard option through selections or customization, but it can be done if you ask.  
Keep in mind, we have yet to meet a contractor who enjoys putting them in. 

Obviously the granite isn't in yet; it was held up by a few kitchen projects, but it should've been going in today or maybe tomorrow.

The carpet's in, though.  We asked if they did scotch-guarding on the carpet, and were told they're stain-resistant.  But then, wait, what's this?  We were supposed to have been given an option to upgrade to a scotch-guarded carpet, and weren't?  

There seems to have been some miscommunication along the way - perhaps because we were so agreeable on all of the decorating decisions, she didn't even think to ask.  But whatever the reason, they're looking at ways to improve communication, and we're getting our carpets scotch-guarded before we move in.


On the topic of communication, my suggestion to Ryan's sales folks, and to anyone looking at options, don't just consider the option, make note of what ELSE the option gets you.

For instance, we thought about not getting a laundry tub.  But that comes with the water-hookups.  No tub?  No plumbing to add one without explicitly adding it.  Almost silly to not put it in.

We were talking about the new sump pump which was replaced because it kept tripping the breaker. Our project manager suggested that we look into a backup for it - that would come standard with a finished basement.  Sump pump is standard anyway, but we'd've definitely added a backup system to it... and we will.

Now, let's go on a tour

Family room fireplace 

Family room (facing north) 

Office window 

Main Floor Bathroom
("Powder Room")

Living Room
(Downstairs Playroom) 

Dining Room
(Dining Room) 

Bonus Room
("Upstairs Playroom") 

Mandatory view of the progress of the next door neighbor to the south 

Master Bedroom 

Master Bath Toilet Closet
(Door was forgotten... this is why we do walk-throughs) 

Hallway view, looking north 

Laundry Room 

Get your mind out of the gutter
Really, I see your mind right there 

View into the attic 

Main Bathroom 

Hallway Lights 


This will be our last blogged walk-through.  We currently have no plans to do another walk-through until our pre-settlement walk-through in 11 days.

We close and do the initial move in 13 days, and the furniture and family move in 14.

We will update the blog with any new information, thoughts, or random flashbacks, but as for new pictures, you're going to have to wait for the open house.  Oh, let's get this out of the way now... NO GIFTS!!!

*food, beer, wine, and spirits are not gifts and are always welcome at our parties.

See you soon!
Phil and Alicia

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