Sunday, October 5, 2014

The rain in Spain...

...falls mainly in Spain.

The rain in Southwood falls mainly on our lot, where it gets drawn into the house and pushed back out the sump pump, and with the newly replaced sump pump, we happened to catch one such expulsion while we were standing there watching.

So, it appears water is still getting in, but as long as it's not getting past the drain, it should be fine.  That's what the drain is there for, after all.  It looked dry when I peered through, but we'll see how it looks when we get in this week in the daylight.

The neighbors were having a party last night.  Our invitation must've been sent to the new address, which of course we don't get mail at yet.  We forgive them; they had no way of knowing.  I'm sure we'll be invited to the next one.

The house does look nice at night, though.  Here's a picture:

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