Monday, October 20, 2014

the ghost in the microwave

See it?  Looks just like Alicia.  Freaky.

Countdown to Close: 2 days
Countdown to Move: 3 days

The madness is mere hours away.

So, we had our final walkthrough today.  The good news is our house was audited for energy star rating; the bad news is they turned the heat off and we were freezing for the first half of it.  But, we have a nice new furnace and a fireplace, and it didn't take too long for things to get up to temperature.

Wanna see a picture?

That's the teaser.  Ubatuba granite... very similar to what we had at Stonecrest, but a little darker, and really looks sleek with the cabinets (which are very similar to what we had at Stonecrest, but a little darker) and the floors (which are very similar to what we had at Stonecrest, but a little darker).

There is some rather minor touch-up work to do be done, including a bunch of holes from one placement mistake with some shelving, but overall, that place is in dire need of some occupants, and we are eager to accept the invitation.

Here's the timeline (as we hope it plays out):
Tuesday night: load truck
Wednesday morning: finish loading truck
Wednesday midday: close
Wednesday afternoon: unload truck, paint Marissa's room, stove delivery
Thursday morning: furniture arrives, cable/phone install
Thursday afternoon: house setup
Thursday dinner-time: MOVE IN!!!
Friday: washer, dryer, and refrigerator arrive (ok, so it's not ideal - but we have another fridge), water meter installed, Guardian completes install

Until after closing!

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