Wednesday, October 22, 2014

It's ours!!!

Well, it's official!  We're homeowners again.

To close out the process with a bit of stress, when we went into the credit union Tuesday afternoon to set up the wire transfer (they told us we could do it Wednesday morning, but we had a few minutes and wanted to get it done), they told it could take 24-48 hours to get to NVR.


This wouldn't've changed plans too much except that we would've had to reschedule closing, and break in to get our truck unloaded.  But it worked out; the transfer "only" took about 9 hours... so a few minutes of paperwork to sign, and we were off to unload a U-Haul

Yet still, this hangs on the apartment wall...

Closing day was busy for those of us over 5 years old, but the furniture doesn't arrive until tomorrow, and so we don't officially move in until Thursday.

We decorated the island

And got the living room set up... at least with the furniture necessary for two people to collapse and take a 5-minute break during moving

Moving day tomorrow.  For now, good night 

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