Monday, August 11, 2014

Did we mention Ryan builds quickly?

Chapter 2 begins.
Or is it floor #2 

Caught a few more "action" shots today
What was starting to look like a house is really looking like a house now

This is what would've been the "wall of doom"
You see why we put in those downstairs windows...

And speaking of those windows... 
though these are more likely the upstairs windows since downstairs are already installed

Where could this piece be going...

The "standard" Verona would just corner off at this point
But we are putting in an extra room
The "bonus room" they call it
Or, as we call it, the "bonus room"

Elapsed Time: 2 hours

We only have a few more days to enjoy the flood of outdoor work
So, knowing they were still working, we thought we'd check back on the way home. 

And the back... 

This is our "twin"
Different model, different builder...
But broke ground the same day, right across the road.

A view of the two construction sights from the top of the cul-de-sac
Ours is on the right.

Here's hoping for an "easy" rain storm the next few days...
Not looking ideal for construction.
Or a half-built house with no roof.

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