Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Like the Yankees, the construction team is rained out

Nothing kills momentum like a nice soaking rainstorm, so since we're on a roll, I thought we'd post tonight about the whole process (what momentum did you think I meant).  Oh yeah, no construction happened today.

We always knew Stonecrest was not our forever home. After the first few projects we knew that someday, we would build our next home.  That is to say, the first few projects we planned.  That does not include gutting the basement right after moving in, nor does it include replacing the entire HVAC system.  We planned to redo the kitchen.  We figured we'd touch up the office a bit.  The bathrooms were always a maybe.  The deck was a must.

We did projects, more or less, in order of priority based on need/want.  We never did get to the office, but we designed one hell of a kitchen.  It took a few years, but we finally got around to renovating the basement (since it wasn't on the original list), and while we were at it, we redid a bathroom.  Because two contractors are better than one - even if they are working on different ends of the house.  Who needs a security system when you constantly have someone in there working, right?

But yeah, it got to be a bit much.  We figure we're one or two renovations away from this house being perfect.  None of them would grow it, but they'd make it perfect, and how do you leave the perfect house.  So, we started thinking that we'd put that new build on the radar.  Knowing land was limited in the school district we chose, we constantly kept an eye on "what was left."  One Sunday, we were out for a drive, the girls were asleep, so we detoured.  We looked at a few lots, took in the view, then saw an "open house" sign.  We didn't know if it was open, because the sign had fallen over, so we slowed down, looked it over, and drove away.  At the intersection, we decided to take one more look.  Katherine, who Marissa would come to know as "that lady who's at every house we go to" must have seen us drive by and had set the sign back up.

So, with the girls in tow, we went in.

As everybody knows, open houses are a waste of time, and no serious buyers or clients ever come from them.

And as every Realtor will tell you, the most important thing is for a potential buyer to be able to see themselves in the house.  Marissa kept standing at the base of the stairs and asking if she could go up, and we kept telling her in a few minutes.

Finally, we gave in, and let her go.

"Marissa, where are you?" we asked.
"I'm in my room," came the response, repeatedly.

Not shown in that picture is the closet we found her hiding in on several occasions.  And by "we," I mean Katherine.

We toyed with putting in an offer about an hour later, but decided to throttle back and evaluate.  Was this the time?  Was that the house?  The answers were yeah, maybe, and eh, possibly, respectively.

We know the answer to the first question turned out to be yes.  That house got pulled off the market, so we'll never know if the second would've been as well, but for what it's worth, my money is on yes.  But instead, my money's on a new build.  All of it... except for a few dollars for some strained peas, a hot dog, and some mac and cheese, which should feed the family for a few days once we move in.  Can someone please buy me a beer?

The story obviously continues; the buying process was interesting, but there is a house to watch being built.  Fortunately, a watched house doesn't boil, but it does get built, and we'll be there with the camera.  Actually, we borrowed one, so we have two cameras, because we never know who's going to get the pictures taken on any given day (most are from me, except a few that aren't quite as incredible).

There is also a video of a hoe.

We may post it some day; unlike many videos of hoes, it is safe for work.

We'll save some of that stuff until the next rain-out, which the way this summer has gone could be anytime.  I mean, seriously?  What ever happened to nice Mondays through Fridays and crappy weekends?  We'd be moving in this week if we could get more of that!

We leave you with a picture of Lucy holding a banana.

Good night!

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