Wednesday, August 6, 2014

We've been blogging all along, taking pictures of dirt, and holes, and stuff... but today, we add a new element: people!  It's possible that one of the early pictures had a person in it, and one Alicia had taken may have as well... but these are actual people doing actual work.  Safety first!  They all seem to have remembered their protective headgear.

It turns out the trick to capturing people in the pictures is getting out of work early for a company clambake.

They seemed busy, so I didn't want to bother them.  But if any of you are reading this, thank you for taking time out of your busy day to work on my house.

Here's how the lot is progressing in 3 views from the road... there is just a ton of stuff!  We will endeavor to keep the yard less cluttered once we move in.

Sitting on the side of the house is a piece that looks incredibly like something that might be near the top of the front of the house when all is said and done.

 Just a neat view of the progress.

As we sign off for now, we are proud to have all materials for our home made in (North) America!

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