Monday, August 25, 2014

We didn't forget you...

It's been 4 days since we posted.  So, let's get right to it.  A lot has happened in the past 4 days...

First, a sold sign went up in the window.

Also, a "no trespassing sign" 

Though, honestly, there would be an easier way to keep people out... 

Let's look at the house from all sides.
Note that on Wednesday, we'll be getting a look at it from a whole new side: the inside!  Our pre-drywall walk-through is Wednesday morning.  We'll finally get to wander through and see where walls may some day be.

But anyway, here's the right side. 

To the front... to the front...

Have I mentioned this summer has been wet?  If not, this summer has been wet.  And behind the house is a hill.  To get pictures of the back of the house, one must go around construction zones (now two since lot 26 is dug)... and getting around on soppy ground can be slippery.  Then getting to the top of the hill can be worse.

If one was not taking pictures to post on a public blog, one would probably just walk through the construction zones and not care.  But one is, and so one doesn't.

But finally, it dried out enough to catch some dry ground to make it around 26 and up to the top of the hill.  From there, a nice view of the back of the house can be found.  And the left side, since I apparently did not take a single picture of that side on this day.

One more look inside...

Get ready, Liverpool...  we're coming to your town!
But first, we have to deal with the mail...

And the honor of getting the mail for the last time at Stonecrest...

First time getting it too...

Next post after the pre-drywall Wednesday!

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