Friday, August 15, 2014

Wrapped up without a bow

We're getting to a point where there won't be too much more happening on a daily basis, so since I promised Marissa she could drive to one of our daily visits, we decided tonight would be the night.  She didn't do a bad job, though I had to help a little since she can't quite reach the pedals.

We hope it wasn't supposed to be a surprise, but we found our house gift-wrapped
Again, note the ominous sky full of lake-effect clouds.
Huge low pressure and unstable atmosphere are making this week kinda crappy

A peek through the garage into the living room.
Looks like someone's watching TV. 

Lot 26 has definitely broken ground.
Our new neighbor is a total hoe. 

Spent the whole day going down.

Definitely makes it hard to get to the back of the house now.
So, no more back pictures for awhile.
Probably looks like it did before, but with whatever changes are on the front, too

A quick look across the road to see the progress

And back to the point of this blog: our house.

As with anything that's getting built, there are extra pieces.
It'll be a short jump from the last stair to the basement...
but that's half the fun.
After all, we did ask for the basement to be unfinished
Leaving the stairs unfinished was an upgrade.
Only $175, but well worth it.

Hey, speaking of stairs, I took a handful of pictures looking through the garage
Caught the light just right on this one...
caught the stairs to the second floor

The camera seems to have developed a little problem.
The more zoomed we are, the bigger the black spot on the left.
I think this is maximum zoom.

We shouldn't've made that public.  We could've switched out the cameras and kept the one that isn't broken.  We still could, I guess... nobody who reads this knows Sara, right?

We like to check in with our project manager from time to time.  As expected, we seem to be a bit behind schedule - but from rough estimates, which are worthless for planning purposes.  It's looking like early next week (August 25th), we'll be doing our pre-drywall walk-through, when we get to go in and nit-pick about every little thing.  On the back-end, however, we seem to have made up a week, as he had originally told us the week of October 13th or the week after, and now tells us it's looking like the week of October 13th or the week before.

That's just evidence that Ryan wants to get rid of us before we can make more changes.

Either way, the earlier in October, the more leisurely we can settle in since we'll have an apartment through the month of October.  Oh, did we mention that?  Liverpool, here we come!

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