Sunday, August 10, 2014

Progress continues in a vertical fashion

So we drive up on Saturday morning, and what do we see, but something that really resembles a house! With windows!  And a door!

There are even a few windows on this side...

And some in the back (I love this picture!)

But alas, none on this side... though we avoided having what I dubbed a "wall of doom" - the base model of the Verona has no windows on one side of the house.  We added a few - and this wall will have windows upstairs.

The giant "X" hardly seems necessary.  I wasn't going to pull my car in, but who knows, maybe this neighborhood has problems with people just pulling cars into unfinished garages.  

Behind the garage is the kitchen.  Opening visible on the left side should be the set back for the refrigerator; right side is the opening (which will open into a mudroom)... and the bank of 3 windows is the morning room, which will have evening sun, thus officially making it a misnomer.

In our drive-bys of the site, we have met a few of the neighbors.  One we spoke to the other day confirmed that Ryan does build houses fast.  Our project manager used the term "efficient."  Either way, it won't be long until these are going in...

Not sure which set is which, which is fine, because I'm not the one building the house.
Which is fine, because I'd like it to be able to stand.

I promised a picture of Marissa... figured we could take one right in front of the front door.

I still obsess over this sign.  I drove by one day and it was very dusty.  I actually wanted to ask the crew on site if I could go in and brush it off, but they were busy.  And I don't own a hard hat.
Anyway, either the rain took care of it, or someone wiped it because it was nice and clean Saturday morning.

 The yard?  Not so much.

But this is why there's black fencing to hide things from everyone except people walking along trying to find pictures to put witty captions on.

Oh, speaking of sold signs... 
I taught her the Vanna White pose...
I neglected to tell her which side to point to.

That's all for now!
Perhaps next time, I'll pick either left justify or center and stick with it through the entire post.

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