Thursday, August 21, 2014

finally equipped to handle 2 torrential downpours

The saga continues... trying to build a house in a summer when building an ark might be more appropriate.  I was actually getting a bit concerned one day when I got to the site and the contractors were walking into the house two by two.

But we were assured that the materials can withstand some weather, and that the only time weather would be a factor, in terms of causing delays, was while the roof was open.

Well... you've seen that we have a roof.  And, because even though when it rained today, it really rained, there was a large chunk of time open to do this:

This also answers the question people have asked:
"What color is your house going to be?"

Close-up of the garage doors
And ... umm, bullet holes, maybe? 

In the midst of the bullet holes is the wiring for the outdoor lights
There will be some by the front door, too: 

One more look at our house...

To the left, lot 26 has flags: 

And across the road, the house that started about a day after us...

We should be within 60 days to move-in
We're 14 from moving from Stonecrest
We've been here just under 7 years and the road's been paved 3 times and rebuilt once...
...and they still can't fix the damn hump from the crushed drain pipe in front of the house

We have gotten used to the hump, though - and we know exactly how to take the turn for a smooth ride or a really bumpy "passengers hit the roof" experience.

That's all for now!

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