Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Stuff has arrived!

We now have stuff.

Lots and lots of stuff.

A picture is worth a thousand words.  Two pictures of the same pile of stuff are worth two thousand words.  But add in a picture of the pile of stuff on the other side of the lot, AND a few dozen useless words, and WOW, now we're talking!

The summer of 2014 has almost been a misnomer, except that it has, in fact, occurred in 2014.  It's rained, and it's rained a lot.  So we were a bit concerned that this build would last until some time in 2016.  Yet, as we've taken pictures, we've seen holes appear, and get filled in, and stuff get dropped off, and windows put in place... and now, what appears on our doorstep?  The door step!

Where do you want to go today?  
So I checked, and that slogan is from the 90s, so I may be dating myself.   These are our street view windows.

We opted to put an egress window in the basement.

And here's a view of the back of the house as it will appear from the neighbors' hammock.  If we ever get neighbors on this side... and they have a hammock... and they have X-ray vision to see the house as if it wasn't built... and choose to use that X-ray vision while in their hammock.  The takeaway?  When you visit, don't run around the kitchen naked because the neighbors will see you.

That's all for now!

1 comment:

  1. Crap!! Those beams are the wrong color brown!!.. oh well, just make this a 3 season home. it'll be ok
